Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hey Buddy, What's the Big Idea Here?

So here it is. My first blog posting. I'm taking the plunge and doing something that I've always thought would be cool, but wasn't sure what my motives would be for creating a blog. What do I think I have to say that anyone would want to hear? I don't know. But I know that I am honest about myself and that seems to connect with people. So that's a start I guess. It's not like I'm looking to create something that will be followed by millions of people. But at the same time, I want SOME followers.

Another reason for wanting to do this ties in with my life long ambition of being a writer. When I write, no matter what it is, short fiction, a stage piece, a poem, a remembrance, I feel SOLID. Like I'm here, in the moment, today. But I have to confess that I have this fear of being forgotten. And in some ways, a collection of my writings, even if they're rambling tomes that mean nothing to anyone but myself, they will be something of me that will hopefully be around in some way long after I'm gone.

So you may be asking, why did I name this blog The Path of Least Resistance. I know that the first thought may be that I'm into Eastern philosophy. And I will admit that one of my favorite books is 'The Tao of Pooh', but that's not it.
I am touching on the beginning of the first piece I posted, so if anyone reading this thinks that some of this sounds somewhat familiar, that's why. But I need to be reminded of this daily. So it bears repeating.

In science, the path of least resistance refers to the direction an object will move through its system, or environment. Water will flow down a mountain, following the path of least resistance as it's pulled downward by gravity.

From a social standpoint, when I squash my own ideas and follow the crowd, I am choosing what SEEMS like the path of least resistance. When faced with a stressful situation or a difficult decision and I am compelled to choose the easiest and quickest solution, I am choosing what SEEMS like the path of least resistance.

So it's no wonder that I had come to equate the term with meaning little or no effort. I wasn't surprised to find an image of someone cowering, as if to duck a blow, when thinking of that phrase. I had an idea that the path of least resistance equaled laziness, fear, people pleasing and just simply letting life slip right on by.

But if I consider the science of the term, as applied to myself, choosing the path of least resistance is a call to action. It is the natural progression that occurs when I get out of my own way and stop putting roadblocks in the way. It takes a lot of energy to do nothing, to be immovable in my opinions and stuck in my anger and resentment and despair.

So I try to take the path of least resistance, so that I am doing something and taking in new ideas and doing what I can to have some sort of peace of mind. I have been told that the only thing I have that cannot be disputed or discounted by anyone is my Experience, Strength and Hope. And if something I share about myself sparks an idea or inspires someone or brings a needed smile, then I guess the purpose of this blog will be fulfilled. Thanks for reading. I look forward to you sharing your Experience, Strength and Hope as well.

1 comment:

  1. Path of least resistance may also be referred to as conservation of energy. The paradox for us seems that initially we might think that being lazy is this path of conservation, but, ultimately, the path of least resistance becomes just doing the required work! Not lazy at all, but ultimately conserves time and energy!
